Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Top 10 Reasons Champagne Tuesday at Hamburger Mary's was off the chain...for me at least:
1.  I'm hungover today due to the number 69.
2.  I have a multi-colored array of condoms in the trunk of my car, this still after I tried to pawn one off to a tranny and some inner-city youths.
3.  I need to brush up on my Spanish.
4.  Mr. Sushi closes at 11pm and so does every other venue Downtown that serves food.
5.  I woke up without pants, but did manage to still be wearing a shirt with BINGO written on it.
6.  Bella doesn't like me when I drink.
7.  I have 64 pennies in my purse, but my drivers license has disappeared.
8.  2010 taxes will include a donation to Planned Parenthood.
9.  My alter-ego is Nancy from Weeds.
10.  We were two CTers short, but we still managed to live it up BINGO style.

-Lauren aka Nancy Botwin
"Yes, this is actually totally NORMAL.  We are ALL normal."

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